Ayodele Carter-Davis Ayodele Carter-Davis

What is a "Safe Environment"?

What is a “Safe Environment”?

I have more experience with un-safe environments. What about you?

Well, I know what an unsafe environment is.  I am sure you have your own examples.  For me, an unsafe environment is one where a person does not know what success is.  What is the goal?  What are we (the team) trying to do?  What is my role?  

The human brain works within a context.  If the context is unknown - i.e. there is a fog and you don't know there is a cliff two-steps away, the human brain processes fear.  It makes the brain work from a primordial place where reason does not exist.  Do I fight or run?  If I am unable to run, then I must fight.  If I am unable to fight, then I, the brain, gets stuck, frustrated, and desperate.   Dr. Henry Cloud speaks of this natural response in his book, Boundaries for Leaders.  It's a great read for leaders who lead others or just themselves.  He describes how small gestures go a long way to creating a environment for healthy brain functioning.

Let us define and create Save Environments wherever we roam.  

How would you define your Safe Space?

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